MARCH 25, 2010
College co-ed, Staci Klugon, age 26, is on the way to her mother's summer home in Coral Springs, Florida from Roberts Wesleyan College in Rochester, New York. As the leaves of the spring season blossom in their full glory she thinks of it as if it’s a reflection of her own bright future.
Being exhausted from exams and ultimately depleted from dorm room drama she feels a sense of freedom from her college life as she looks towards the approaching landscape. At this moment, Staci is cruising along in her red Volkswagen Beetle listening to her favorite song since she was six. It is The Eighth Symphony in E Flat Major, which is engulfing her essence in the worst way.
She loved the piece so much she wrote a paper on it for her final exam in Music History. She was astonished to find out that Gustav Mahler described the finale to his friend Willem Mengelberg that "it was as if one were to try to imagine the whole universe beginning to ring and resound. These are no longer human voices, but planets and suns revolving."
As the music reaches its crescendo so does she as an eighteen wheeler passes her car slowly on the left.
With one hand on the wheel and the other hand on her pocket vibrator she enters a climax and almost loses control of her car. She gasps and gains control of her vehicle and then looks up to see the truck driver flashing a smile and honking his horn. Staci looks down to see the rabbit still in her patch under her skirt and shakes her head while muttering to herself sarcastically, “Men…what are they good for?”
Just then her phone rings breaking her concentration once more and she slows the car down letting the rig barrel right by her right side. She presses the button on her bluetooth answering the call from her mother.
"Hey, mom... yep, I am on the Jersey turnpike. No traffic yet but I will stop by Sara's for a few hours so I can avoid the rush hour... no, I will be fine... well... I will check in with her to see if I can stay overnight... alright... okay... love you too... goodbye"
Ten year veteran truck driver, Dwight Mooney, had been pulling a 12-hour shift trying to move a load of Atlantic Salmon and Lobsters from Belfast, Maine down into Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The only thing he can do in order to pull this off is to keep awake and alert with as much speed his last paycheck allowed him to buy.
His previous haul ended with himself being hauled into Motor Vehicle court for one point less than too many on his CDL. He had been caught speeding three times the past year and one of those times he was in an improper lane. One more infraction and he'd be riding the bus back to Boston.
If he doesn’t make it down to Pennsylvania in time the fish will turn worst than his luck. Once he's in the Quaker State he will be hooked up with a load of Amish furniture and fireplaces to be shipped down to sunny Florida. His mind boggles why the hell people in sunny Florida would need fake fireplaces.
As Dwight looks up ahead on the road he sees a red Punch Buggy doing only 55 in a 75 and knows he doesn’t have time for slowpokes. As he speeds up he looks down to give this driver a mouth full when he sees that the young lady driving has her hands filled.
Dwight instantly comprehends that the driver to his left is pleasuring herself as much as he wishes he was pleasuring himself. Then in a flash of an instant his scowl turns into a smile as he reaches up to blow his horn in approval. However, he does not notice that the black Audi A8 in front of her is veering into his lane.
Judy and Thomas Molvere were in marriage for twelve years and knew each other four years prior. For the past several months ugliness in the marriage was rearing it's head as Thomas' faithfullness came into question. Judy worked as a Lawyer in Manhattan for the prestigous law firm Davis, Polk and Wardwell where she was currently handling a case with a team of attorneys suing the CEO of Wallace Enterprises for embezzlment.
Thomas stayed home and picked up their twins, Tina and Rudy, from their 5th grade classes at Ridge Street Elementary and then transported them from one activity to the next. In between soccer, ballet, pee-wee football and gymnastics he showered them with infinite love and support. He also took care of the groceries, cleaning, laundry and whatever else a stay at home dad would do in this day and age.
"I told you that your sister just has these things in her head," Thomas said as he shifted to face Judy from the passenger seat, "I never hit on Carol or her - that is just insane!"
"So my sister is a liar?"
"She's just likes to push buttons - what the hell else does she have to do? She sits home all day and spends Frank's money on the Home Shopping Network."
"You're one to talk..."
"I never buy crap off of television... the internet... maybe"
"No, I meant sitting home all day"
"Oh, ok... yeah like I don't have my hands filled with Tina and Rudy. You have no fucking clue"
"Well, there we go with the language again..."
"Oh, get a fucking grip. You are so self righteous sometimes it is sickening."
"Ok, well then fuck you, you fucking cheating asshole," tears held back came pouring out of the floodgates that were her eyelids, "I found her fucking panties in our laundry basket!" She began swerving in and out of lanes until their fight was interrupted by an 18-wheeler, whose horn signal was blaring, and force of motion was barreling straight towards them.
Jimmy Palrone was driving a black Lincoln Town Car, south from New York City and had just made a stop at a log cabin in the Pokanoes with his friend Johnny Passarelli. However, Mr. Passarelli was not going to be doing any kind of R&R as his torso, head, arms and legs were all disassembled in the back of Jimmy’s trunk in two custom designed, insulated, freeze packed aluminum suitcases.
It was a favor that Jimmy had done for one the bosses out of Rhode Island when Mr. Passarelli got caught sleeping with the boss’ mistress. Jimmy had been the one who had caught Johnny with his tighty whities down to his ankles and told him it was out of his hands not knowing it really wasn’t. After he was given the orders he led Jimmy under the false assumption that he was helping him skip out of town after he already fled back to his cousin's house in Bensonhurst.
He felt some relief in the fact that he would have at least a week out of town even though it was under rather dire circumstances. After turning on the radio to clear his head he peered over to his right and saw three kids in a silver Mercedes CLS passing by. It looked like they were getting high as they passed what looked like a joint to each other. Then they all looked over at Jimmy and gave him the thumbs up. Jimmy gave them the finger.
Mike Wallace was with Dustin and Timothy III Irving in his $80,000.00 Mercedes that his father had bought him. They were on an east coast road trip which started in Bangor, Maine after they took off a week early from the colleges in upstate New York for their spring break.
Dustin and Tim's father, Timothy II, was a CEO of the Wallace Enterprises whom Mike's great grandfather founded in the 1920's. From its roots as a small newspaper in New York it was now s multimedia corporation which yearly grossed in the billions of dollars.
The Irving's second stepmother, Desiree, turned to be as easy going as she was easy. This made it even easier for Tim and Dustin to get away with all kinds of antics which their father would turn a blind eye to the majority of the time. It was expected that they excel in their studies and possibly get some high paying positions in the company.
On the other hand, Mike's path was already laid out for him directly to a chair on the board of directors. Going to college was just a formality that didn't require much learning on his part as his family basically funded the school enough for everyone to worship the ground he threw up on.
Drugging and driving was an ordinary thing for them and none of these knuckleheads could care less whether it was legal or not. If they got busted, their parent’s lawyers would bust back the cop who made the charge from highway patrol to poop patrol with one phone call.
Mike was at the helm, this time, and took a pull off the joint as he sped up next to a black Lincoln Town Car. They all looked over to see who they thought would be a Livery Cab driver and gave him the thumbs up as Mike held up the joint. The guy in the car simply frowned and gave them the finger.
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